My Favorite 200 Aussie Albums Of All Time: Part 27

My Favorite 200 Aussie Albums Of All Time: Part 27

So it’s even more albums starting with the letter “P” today, dating from late seventies into noughties and you can listen to these acts: Clouds, Falling Joys, The Scientists, The Sleepy Jackson and My Disco. I hope you enjoy them, if you do press play!

Penny Century by Clouds (1991)

Their debut studio album and even if it was released on indie label it peaked at number 23 on the Australian ARIA Charts and thanks to re-release by 1996 it was certified gold in Australia. Clouds were from Sydney who formed in December 1989 and breaking up in 1997 but they reformed in 2011. They’re yet another band/album who was nominated at ARIA Award show for “Breakthrough Artist and Album” but lost, off course. Does losing at AIRA Awards make it better? Yeah, I think so! The opening track called Hieronymus has a video clip:

Song entitled Maybe would be my own fave:

Stream album on youtube:

Psychohum by Falling Joys (1992)

The Clouds and the Falling Joys’ albums somehow being side by side in my favorite 200 Australian albums does seem appropriate, both 90’s indie rock band with great female singer-guitarist out the front of both bands, Jodi Phillis for the Clouds and Suzie Higgie from the Falling Joys. FJ were from Canberra, if I’m keeping track right? That’s like only the second act from that place in my little list. Anyway Psychohum peaked at number 35 on the ARIA Albums Charts which is pretty high for indie. They formed in 1985 and this was their second album and disbanded in 1995 but reunited in 2011 toooo. The opening track entitled Black Bandages had a video:

Song called Dynamite would be my fave:

Stream album on youtube:

Pissed On Another Planet by The Scientists (2004)

It’s yet one out of context because it’s another compilation of recordings which this time is from 1978 to 1980 but I’m going on release date of the comp itself, you know? In other lists of best Aussie albums it’s always their Blood Red River album or really that was a mini-album that’s always included but I’ve got this one and their later one entitled The Human Jukebox linked here. The Scientists are yet another Perth, W.A. act with Kim Salmon out the front but main songwriter of lyrics at this point was the drummer James Baker. The story goes they somehow got to play their song Last Night on the Countdown TV show but when getting home to Perth no one believed them because their punk friends didn’t watch that shity show:

The title track would be my fave because I loved to get pissed on another plant:

Stream album on bampcamp:

Personality: One Was A Spider – One Was A Bird by The Sleepy Jackson (2005)

Their second album but also is their final one tooo. The Sleepy Jackson are yet another Perth, W.A. act who formed in 1998 but never official break-up just inactive pretty much since this album I’ve picked so might as well be spilt. The front-man Luke Steele is now way more well-known as the singer for the electronic music duo Empire of the Sun. Personality peaked at number 10 on the Australian ARIA Albums Chart and at the ARIA award show was nominated for “Album of the Year” but, yeah you guessed it didn’t win yet again. Devil Was In My Yard had a promo video clip made and you guess it, here it is:

The closing track called How Was I Supposed to Know? is my favorite:

Stream album on youtube:

Paradise by My Disco (2007)

Was their second album which was recorded at Electrical Audio in Chicago with Steve Albini as the engineered but not the producer. The cover photo was one of a series taken by Warwick Baker amongst opal mines in outback South Australia. Second My Disco album in my 200 Aussie album list, their Little Joy album linked here. Zero singles/videos from this album and haven’t a clue want would be the most popular song so I’m picking my couple of fave tracks this time, both have longest song names on this album which are A Christ Pendent Comfort Her Neck:

You Came To Me Like A Cancer Lain Dormant Until It Blossmed Like A Rose:

Stream album on youtube:

Outro can be, which one did you dig the most?

Cheers! 🙂

2 responses to “My Favorite 200 Aussie Albums Of All Time: Part 27”

  1. EclecticMusicLover Avatar

    I really enjoyed Pissed On Another Planet by The Scientists, which is a marvelous title for an album. Also like The Sleepy Jackson’s Personality: One Was A Spider – One Was A Bird. I didn’t know Empire of the Sun’s Luke Steele was in a previous band.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. William Avatar

      Hey mate, so glad you enjoyed those couple! Cheers 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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Well, I'm dyslexic so writing about something I love: Music, might help but it's most likely just full of mistakes. That title is also lyrics from The Drones song called I Don't Want To Change. Oh, my name is William and thanks for having a look.