Playlist: …And Now For Something Completely Different (1996 Dance Show)

Playlist: …And Now For Something Completely Different (1996 Dance Show)

After two days blogging break here’s yet another playlist for this Sunday. So it’s sub-titled a 1996 dance show. Right I need to explain this one a little I think, don’t I? Yes, you do! So this post today was some of my fave music used for a dance show my mother was putting on because well, she was a dance teacher from the mid 80’s to 2000. She did this yearly end of year shows so everyone could perform on stage and then a kind-of full stop for holidays and Christmas etc. Anyway at some point she started to steal my music I liked if it had a great beat or something she could use, she was teaching dance to adults to teenagers to little kids so she had to have something for everyone. So in the file she kept of all the programs of the end of year shows, it seems I kidnapped and hold ransom in small country town south-west corner of Western Australian was the year 1996 show. Pretty perfect year for me the way I have rave on about the 90’s on this blog.

I picked all the music for this year dance show and because as a teenage or even still now, I’m a big fan of silly great BBC comedy TV shows she came up with calling “And Now For Something Completely Different” from Monty Python. Indie music was taking over the world off course at this point but god knows what small tiny town crowd sitting and watching this dance show was thinking of some of my picks that was pumping thought the PA of the local Town hall that year? Three bigger hit singles are included and then the rest are just album tracks. She does have all VHS’s of the shows preforms somewhere which I put them on DVD for her a while ago but really should just uploaded them to YouTube sometime or something? Anyway here are the songs:

#1. The PoguesWildcats Of Kilkenny

#2. PrimusSpace Farm

#3. MinistryCannibal Song 

#4. Boss HogBeehive 

#5. The CranberriesZombie 

#6. SupergrooveBugs & Critters

#7. The Jon Spencer Blues ExplosionBellbottoms 


#8. Nine Inch NailsPiggy

#9. Dirty ThreeWarren’s Waltz 

#10. Smashing PumpkinsBullet With Butterfly Wings

#11. BlurCountry House

#12. PrimusThe Year Of The Parrot 

#13. TrickyStrugglin’ 

#14. Mike WattBig Train 

Monty Python’s John Cleese gif is Sunday’s blog post featured image!

So can anyone, everyone reading/looking/listening to this imagine these tracks used in a mid-90’s dance show in Aussie small county town? Did you even dance along yourself?

5 responses to “Playlist: …And Now For Something Completely Different (1996 Dance Show)”

  1. bailupdowns Avatar

    Hi Bill,
    Really enjoyed listening again to all these tracks – I had forgotten using some of them. Yes it was pretty far out using this music back then especially when I think of for example little girls of about 6 -7 dancing in pink tutus with black ears (bows) and black curly tails doing a ballet number to Piggy by Nine Inch Nails….This was way before Babe !!!!.We should get together one day and upload the dance videos of some of the shows as I am sure the dance kids now adults with kids of their own no doubt might like to watch them during their ‘isolation’in Covid 19 time….
    love your mother – the dance teacher

    Liked by 1 person

    1. William Avatar

      Hey Mum, so you do look at my bloody blog? Oh yeah, we should upload them all to YouTube! Glad you enjoy this post tooo! 🙂


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Well, I'm dyslexic so writing about something I love: Music, might help but it's most likely just full of mistakes. That title is also lyrics from The Drones song called I Don't Want To Change. Oh, my name is William and thanks for having a look.